You may wonder what all that fabric is in the neatly wrapped package; It's an IBOL--web-speak for Iraqi Bundle of Love. The brain child of Major Art La Flamme (US Army) who served in Iraq last year, and came up with an idea to collect fabric, yarn and sewing supplies for Iraqi citizens who use any scrap of fabric for clothing, or other uses. The supplies will go to Iraqi sewing coops who have received grants (small loans) to purchase sewing machines---Art's genius is that he is asking people to raid their stash of unfinished projects, their scraps and the good stuff they probably will never get to. Yes, he's speaking to me! He's not asking for anyone to donate money, or to buy anything new, just send what you can, and wrap it up in a bundle and send it off in a flat rate shipping box. All the information is on his blog. I sent 4 boxes last year, and it was cathartic--I think only serial sewers and knitters can understand that, and that Eat, Pray, Love woman wouldn't get it at all. Here's a look at what happened when one person wanted to make a difference:
Boxes in a warehouse somewhere in Iraq
The man himself----that smile says it all
Delivery! |
I know I said this blog would be about food, and travel, but sometimes it feels so much better to talk about people who are making a difference, and in turn, help them in the process. I'll be back with a recipe tomorrow, but for today, do something for someone else to start your week.
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