Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Weighing in on Paula Deen (Sorry for the Pun)

Since everyone on the planet has an opinion, and even in Italy I've been asked what I think; here's my take.
  1. Paula Deen's show was cancelled because she admitted to making racial slurs; it's a matter of character, not her cooking
  2. Paula Deen chose not to reveal her diabetes for almost 3 years, until she signed a lucrative deal with a drug maker; it's a matter of character, not her cooking. 
  3. After announcing her diagnosis, she continued to cook in the same manner and declared that "diabetes is not your fault"; it's a matter of character and not her cooking.  
  4. Michael Pollan said it best, "you don't watch an NBA basketball game to learn how to play basketball" it's entertainment; and you don't watch the Food Network to learn how to cook.  Paula Deen is a personality, period. 

The last thing I will say on this subject is that Paula Deen or any other celebrity, does not affect how I cook, eat or live my life.   


  1. She is horrible, just like her cooking. No amount of butter can fix her. Love the picture you posted of her as well, pretty much sums it up. A disgusting woman. As Anthony Bourdain said about her. "one of the worst, most dangerous women in America". Karma's a bitch eh Paula?

    1. Thanks @Mandboy, she has legions of fans, and they are loyal,and I'm sure I've offended some of mine by this post, but I had to have my say.
